Lindsey and Spencer met as Freshmen at UC Santa Barbara in 2006. As fellow biology students, they came to know each other well through the classes they took together despite Spencer sitting in the front row and Lindsey preferring the wide open back of the auditorium. During their study sessions their roles reversed: Lindsey would shoot icy stares at her future fiancé as he attempted to make crass jokes about chemiosmotic phosphorylation, his cackle distracting her from academic harmony. Four years of studying, partying and laughing later Lindsey caved into her best friend’s charming ways. Her grades may have suffered some, but it was all worth it when she and Spencer finally decided to take their friendship to the next level after graduating in the summer of 2010.
Three years later after several relocations including a brief stint at the future In-Laws, Spencer and Lindsey took a trip to their favorite place – Santa Barbara. They decided to hike Inspiration Point, as they had so many times before, even though it was a foggy day. When they made it to the top, Spencer’s mind seemed as fogged as the hilltops – he was at a loss for words. After months of planning and preparation Spencer could only muster a proposal of five words: “Will you be mine forever?” After waiting so long for this moment, Lindsey almost forgot to reply. But she did – and it was one very happy ‘Yes!’.
Below you can see some of the photos from their engagement session at UCSB:

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