Adi and Stav met on Jdate, or how they like to call it, their mutual friend “ja-day.” They met at the Culver Hotel in Culver City and had an amazing first date. Stav asked Adi out for the next few nights knowing that Adi would be leaving to India for two weeks with her family. They corresponded via email the entire time she was gone, and it was crazy how much they had already missed each other. Stav picked Adi up from the airport, and a week later he asked her to be his girlfriend :)
About a year later, Stav and Adi took a trip to Big Bear. They played Banana Grams (similar to Scrabble). While playing, Stav wrote with the letters, “Will you Marry Me?” and he proposed. Now you have a chance to get a small glimpse into their engagement session:

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